Anno 1404 Wiki

Marie d'Artois
Marie d'Artois
Difficulty Medium
Icon Marie icon

Marie d'Artois claims that angels speak to her, telling her what to do. This aggressive island monger will own the entire map given the chance. Her quick expansion and aggressive nature gives her an upper hand, not to mention her war-like nature. Is she "hearing from God... Or maybe another force?" (+150 difficulty).[1]

She dislikes everything that has to do with oriental settlements, the grand vizier, and the Sultanate.

Traits: Aggressive, Warmonger, Religious-Oriented, Unstable

Building Speed: Medium

Civilization Level limited to player (does not include Nomads and Envoys): No

Trade Emphasis: Medium

Military Difficulty: Hard

Espionage: Yes

Espionage Purpose: Basic Sabotage

Demands Tribute: Yes

Tribute Range: Moderate

Diplomacy Difficulty: Medium

Favorite Enemy: Guy Forcas, Cardinal Lucius, Baronessa Constanza Zanchi

Favorite Ally: Hildegard von Lewenstein, Helena Flores (even though she mocks about Helena in the hidden credits)

Favorite Goods: Stone, Cannons, Wheat

Marie's in-game color is White


  1. Prima Official Dawn of Discovery Guide. p. 35-36.

